Chongqing Changfeng Chemical Co., Ltd.

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Chongqing Changfeng Chemical Co., Ltd.
China Suppliers > Chongqing Changfeng Chemical Co., Ltd.
Octanoyl Chloride
Octanoyl Chloride
CAS NO:111-64-8;   MF:C8H17Cl
Appearance: Colourless or light yellow transparent crystal Content:...
Chongqing Changfeng Chemical Co., Ltd.    More>>
Polyphenyl Sulfide
Polyphenyl Sulfide
CAS NO:25212-74-2;
Polyphenyl Sulfide PowderPlate number (powder)Plate number Melt ind...
Chongqing Changfeng Chemical Co., Ltd.    More>>
CAS NO:123-31-9;   MF:C6H6O2
We are leading manufacturer of Hydroquinone in China. Capacity 5000...
Chongqing Changfeng Chemical Co., Ltd.    More>>
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